
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Time To hold Our troops In Iraq And Afghanistan

I am not siding with the democrats or the republicans on this war that should have never been started to begin with. I am how ever taking the side of our soldiery that are dying and getting wounded every day. There has been nearly four thousands soldiery that have died fighting this war on terror. There has also been more twenty seven wounded of crippled by serving in this. I think that it is time for our citizen to stand by these brave men and women serving in these two wars.I believe in the work our soldiery are doing in Iraq and I believe that it is only fair now to give our fighting men and women a opening to terminate what this war that so many of our soldiery have spilled their blood for.

So many citizen think that we should just up and run out of iraq. Then why did all our soldiery die or get wounded just to turn tail and run? Our government can fight about when to bring our soldiery home but are these the right decision or are these decisions being made because of next years elections? I believe that any decisions made now on this war would only before political reason`s . This is not a political war this is a war for a change of life for citizen that have been dictated to for years.

News From Afghanistan

This is not a war that was fought because of the events on 911. This war should have never been started but now these citizen who destroyed the twin towers and took two thousand American lives and changed lives of American`s for ever. I not only hold our soldiery I hope that our soldiery in effect will pull this miracle off. I believe that our country needs to stop this loud mouth bin laden and his children killing machine now growing in Iraq.

I am not a man who believes that war is the acknowledge I think that so many of our soldiery have died that if our country pulls out over some political arguing these soldiery have died for nothing. I believe that to many citizen and soldiery have died in this country already. I think that citizen have to give our troop the hold and opening to win this war. I also think that the iraqi government should get together and stabilize this government to take the lead in the fight for their country. I believe that if this government can not work together for their citizen then lets put citizen in this government who can.

As long as the memories of 911 live this so called religious leader Bin Laden should be captured to start bringing and end to the confidence that this is anything more then a man who does not care who he kills in the name of God. This is no act of religion this is a man that commits and supports cold blooded murder. I have always believe in the way peace though I also believe that these citizen have to be stopped forever.

I have always said that we need to come together as a nation for all citizen there for we must now stand behind our brave men and women serving in this war. There is enough fighting going on in our government over the political hereafter of the democrats and the republicans. I have no stomach to see more of our soldiery die in this country. I believe that to up and run now would make every particular troop that has died or crippled for this war feel like this war has been meaningless. This is no longer The governments war its a war where out soldiery are fight and dying for what they believe in and as hard as is is I think our citizen must stand be side our troops.

Some times the hardest part of life is knowing that a countries citizen are fighting a war that never should have been started. I can not thank these young men and women and their families enough for the reduce that these families are manufacture for our citizen and this nation. I will not do anything but hold these brave soldiery and their families in the hopes that this war will be coming to and good end for both nations and their people.

I believe that it is time for our government to stop fight over this war work together the find ways to bring this war to and end. I will not stand by our soldiery and all our citizen with the hopes that this war will be fulfilled, very shortly and persisting peace comes to our country and the world. I hope that our government will ultimately work together to win this war that to many of our soldiery have died for already.

I do not believe that this nation should up and run away from a war that should have never been started. I think that this nation has to stand by our soldiery and help in anyway inherent to make this war turn this country into the shining hereafter of democracy that it should be. I believe that it is time for the Iraqi government to put up or elect citizen that will work for this country.

As always I write with respect.

Time To hold Our troops In Iraq And Afghanistan

Tags : todays world news headlines

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Us Marines on the strike in Afghanistan

Just over five days ago our United States Marines, along with more than fifteen thousand Nato soldiery and Afghan army personnel began an charge into the Helmand Province, Afghanistan, a longtime stronghold of the Taliban and the town for opium poppy yield which fuels the Taliban's resurgence. Not since 2001 has there been an charge of this size launched in that country. It is named 'Operation Moshtarak' - ('Together').

The main thrust of the operation began before dawn on Saturday, January 13th, as numerous helicopters flew Marines into the area leapfrogging the mined and booby trapped roads. In the dark of the night, some elements of the force disembarked in the city of Marjah to build perimeters, seize highway intersections, and block entry to or exit from that city, the main target of the attack. Then the real battle commenced as the Marines began door to door searches eliminating Taliban who stayed behind to engage, blowing up numerous booby traps and Ied's along the walls and streets, and meeting with frightened civilians urging them to help ferret out any Taliban in the city. The fighting will continue, block by block, until the parasitic Taliban have been rousted from their dens and a new civilian government established to provide for the general welfare of the residents.

News From Afghanistan

As I watch it, the operation, unfold on Tv - mesmerized - I can't help but think of those young Marines thousands of miles away fighting hard, in mortal danger at all times, to accomplish a mission to free up a citizen in a backward land where we may not even be wanted while we here at home go about our daily lives in relative comfort and safety. It's truly wondrous that these young Marines sacrifice, voluntarily, so much for their country every day. I wonder how many Americans truly appreciate them? Or worse, I wonder how many Americans are even paying any attention to the battle unfolding there at all?

It gives me pride to see them in action, so sure in their attitudes, dedicated to their purpose, fearless and brave in their fighting. But, I also get chills and some anxiety knowing some of them are living their last days in a hellish country which may never rise to anyone good than a stagnant cesspool of civilization, may never subscribe to even a modicum of democracy so antiquated and unyielding is their judgment of and isolation from the contemporary world.

Where do we find such unselfish, steadfast, and devoted young people? What does it say about the character of these warriors for peace in such a far off place? Why should they give a damned for these backward malcontents to the degree they are willing to put their very lives on the line on a daily basis?

Is it 'patriotism' which drives them to such ends? Somewhat, I believe. We are not so far off from that vile day when we were so viciously attacked here at home by the very citizen we now confront in their own backyard. These American fighters remember that day, although they may have been very young at the time, as the bad dream was televised dinky by dinky into their living rooms at home. They recall the gut wrenching fear, the anguish, and, ultimately, the anger we all felt as a nation.

A more relevant aspect of their selfless actions is the very training our Marines get upon entering nautical Corps boot camp where they are taken in as civilians from varying geographic locations, diverse ethnic makeup, subjective intellectual skills, and unequal bodily attributes. Here they receive some of the best training in the world: willful and immediate obedience to legal orders, unquestioning loyalty, unswerving allegiance to our country, and unselfish commitment to their fellow Marines. Here at boot camp they are inducted as the raw material for the nautical they will become once they have completed their training. Not all make the grade, but those who do are changed individuals and will never be the same again. "Once a Marine, all the time a Marine!" and "Semper Fi" (Always Faithful) becomes their motto and creed.

A fellow Marine, Col Jim Bathurst, a 36 year Vietnam Veteran with his share of combat experience suggests that the most pertinent motivation for these young Marines' valorous operation under fire is their unfaltering faith in their fellow nautical - so much so that throughout the Corp's history there have been heralded tales of Marines sacrificing their own lives to save others. Not an uncommon act in wartime so deep is their love for their nautical compatriot. Jim said it best when he wrote me "A nautical doesn't jump on a live grenade for mom, apple pie and the grand ole flag; he does it to save his brother, his friend, his fellow nautical that he loves dearly. Granted they do this because the Corps taught them that, but it's all for their brother-in-arms."

Whatever the reasons, and each nautical has their own I suspect, for these young Americans valiantly carrying the fight to a persistent and resolute enemy so distant from our shores, they have upheld the traditions of their Corps, the values of their country, and the promise of our nation's youth without hesitation or remorse. They are true and brave heroes in every sense of the word - an attribute so obviously lacking in our elected officials in Washington that they cannot even accomplish the simplest task without partisan bickering, political infighting, and self-serving, self-absorbed political ambition even though they face not one iota of danger in their daily lives safely ensconced behind the doors of Congress.

It may be months before we can accurately portion the success of this new obnoxious against the resurgent Taliban. It will be years - if ever - before we see any measureable accomplishment in that problematic geographic area of today's world. But one thing is sure - our fighting men and women have given their all, some even development the extreme sacrifice, to see that the Afghans have every inherent chance at a good life. At some point we will leave them to fend for themselves and, hopefully, find their own place in the world in peace.

Meantime, we at home must take performance ourselves. We must get complicated in supporting our troops, welcoming them back graciously, and providing for their welfare when they do return. We owe them nothing less. They will have fought courageously and sacrificed much to promote America's foreign procedure and fulfill America's promises to our allies. No one will have done more for the Afghans than they. Let's hope there is appreciation for their sacrifices both here at home and there far away.

They will deserve nothing less.

(Post script: Now, at a time when our soldiery is as heavily engaged as it has been for more than 40 years, at a time when personel troop's are ordered to repeated deployments to the war zones, now in a time of soldiery uncertainty and maximum commitment, now is the wrong time for our politicians to advocate for a collective engineering experiment by endorsing an end to the current 'Don't ask, don't tell' policy. Neither the President nor an fantastic preponderance of those in Congress has served a singular day in our country's military. For them at this time to pander to a vocal minority seeking a liberal interpretation of society's rules is disturbing and quite revealing as to the total lack of any observation of the residual effects of their actions. To politicize our soldiery in a time of war is as incredibly contemptible as it is indisputably ignorant of the soldiery as an institution. Tinker with the civilian world if you must; do not inflict your liberal agenda on America's soldiery for the purpose of vote gathering.

Are there gays in our military? in effect and all the time has been. "Don't ask, don't tell!")

Us Marines on the strike in Afghanistan

My Links : todays world news headlines

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Cost-Benefit prognosis on the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Should we withdraw from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? In order to sass that question, we need to reconsider the current status of both of these wars.

These wars have cost 6,000 U.S. Lives, along with 5,200 from our military, and 800 civilians. There have been someone else 10,500 deaths among Iraqi soldiers and other Coalition forces. Nobody knows the amount of Iraqi civilians who have been killed, but some estimates are as high as 600,000. Also, we have had some 34,000 severely wounded among the U.S. Military, and someone else 6,000 for other coalition forces.

News From Afghanistan

U.S. Taxpayers have spend nearly trillion on these wars. It costs 0,000 to deploy each U.S. Soldier for one year in Iraq. This adds to the mounting deficit due to the Obama administration's spending, and this is all occurring while a worldwide recession.

Some estimates indicate that up to 2.5 million people have been displaced from their homes. Inflation in Iraq is 50%, unemployment is 60%, and 28% of Iraqi children are suffering from persisting malnutrition. Only 37% of Iraqi homes are associated to a sewer system, only 30% have enough entrance to water. The worst thing is that all of these statistics have come to be much worse since the wars started.

Most people, along with both Americans and Iraqis, are strongly opposed to the presence of coalition troops. Iraqis have exiguous confidence in them; they don't believe that they are improving security; and, they feel less gain because of our occupation.

If our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan have averted any terrorist attacks, we can't genuinely see any evidence of it. Even if this is the case, it has come at a high cost. Couldn't we have made the same advance in this regard without these wars? Unfortunately, one can draw a sad analogy from these mismanaged wars. We retaliated for the 3,000 deaths on 9/11 by adding someone else 6,000 deaths of our own countrymen, and some 600,000 of our allies. Also the mismanagement of these wars, our brain has proven to be so poor that we can't find Bin Ladin, even with our classic technology.

As each day passes with more U.S. Forces deaths, this situation is genuinely becoming someone else Vietnam. We are selecting to continue the loss of life instead of decisively winning the wars. We are too involved about being political spoton about causing civilian casualties. It appears that we would rather lose our own soldiers than Iraqi civilians.

We suffered 58,000 deaths in Vietnam, but we've now lost 6,000 in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus an further 10,000 coalition forces. In addition, we've seen 34,000 severely wounded, which totals some 50,000 casualties. This is genuinely beginning to look like someone else Vietnam. We've been in Afghanistan for nine years now, while we were in Vietnam for 16 years. Just like Vietnam, we claim to be winning because we've killed more of the enemy than what they've killed of us. The proponents of the war claim that we're winning, since the death toll for our enemy is 55,000. Just as with Vietnam, this is probably a more convincing seminar for those who have none of their house members included in these numbers. Also just like Vietnam, whenever we leave, either now or in ten years, the country will fall back into a state of chaos among rival factions. In Vietnam it was Communism, and here it will be insurgents.

Yes, since we're not considered for a quick victory, we need to just cut our losses and get out.

A Cost-Benefit prognosis on the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Tags : todays world news headlines

Sunday, April 17, 2011

One of the Poorest Countries in the World

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is a landlocked country, located in the town of the Asian continent. Afghanistan is an aged region that is full of historical prominence, sharing history with bordering countries like Iran, Pakistan, and China, and has historically linked with any outer countries like the Soviet Union, and the United States of America. Since the 1970's Afghanistan has been involved in any ongoing brutal wars and invasions, along with the current invasion of the U.S. That began in the year 2001.

Geographically, the country is tremendous with wide-open plains to the North and the South. The highest point in Afghanistan is Nowshak, which is about twenty-five thousand feet in elevation. The atmosphere is mostly dry, with a continental atmosphere of hot summers and cold winters, and is known as the Endorheic Sistan Basin, which is the driest region in the world. The area is prone to earthquakes, and was affected most recently in 1998, when over four thousand population were killed, by a violent quake. Afghanistan is the forty-first largest country in the world, and has entrance to an fullness of extremely foremost natural resources, such as Petroleum and natural gas. Other resources contain uranium, coal, chromite, talc, barites, sulfur, salt and lead.

News From Afghanistan

The country's capital and largest populated city, is Kabul, and the traditional language of the population is Dari, at one time known as Persian. There are also an estimated thirty other minor languages spoken in the region, so bilingualism is very common to the country. Culturally, Afghans are a very proud people. They hold religion, family; ancestry and their independence with the utmost pride, sometimes even to extremes. There is much apprehension in the world for the population of Afghanistan, due to their ultimate clan pride and willfulness to resort to the use of firearms and other weapons to conclude disputes.

Afghanistan is one of the poorest and most undeveloped countries in the world and it's citizens live on an estimated two dollars per day. The unemployment rate is at forty percent, and is expected to continue to go up in the next decade as high as sixty percent. The education ideas is improving gradually in contemporary times, but with poor cultural conditions, and unsafe structures the literacy rate in this country is astounding. An estimated fifty percent of males in Afghanistan are illiterate and an even more mind numbing seventy percent of the country's women are illiterate. The imbalance in education is mostly due to the fact that most families in the country will not allow their daughters to be taught by men, and there is a shortage of women teachers in the region. Since the fall of the Taliban government in the early 2000's, the University of Kabul has reopened, admitting new students, in attempts to improve Afghanistan's schoraly statistics.

Afghanistan is generally not a very desirable country to visit, if you are a tourist. It can be perilous in most parts, and with the ongoing wars and disputes with surrounding regions, can be a very unsafe vacation. However, for the history buff, this country is a plethora of aged and contemporary history.

One of the Poorest Countries in the World

My Links : todays world news headlines

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Obama Told Ohio Unions Outsourcing Was Bad - Now Tells India We Shouldn't Fear Outsourcing

Do you recall during the 2010 choice when Junior Senator Obama chastised the North American Free-Trade business transaction while campaigning to the hardcore union members in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan? I sure do, and I also remember him hammering on small business, namely "Joe The Plumber" - oh, so now you recall all that. Well, reconsider all that political rhetoric to unite the Democrat Base, and reconsider the reality of Obama's policies today.

Now, Obama has decided that maybe small businesses are okay since they employ 75% of the work force and happen to be 10% of our population, possibly the ten-percent that helped the Tea Party swing into action. Today, the Obama management can't say adequate good things about all the Joe the Plumbers of the world and never misses a beat to mention the "small business and jobs bill" he helped get through Congress.

News From Afghanistan

Interesting switcheroo isn't it. Yes, I find this roughly a unblemished flip-flop, just like Guantanamo Bay, War in Afghanistan, and now the 'evil outsourcing' he so faithful criticized. Does the man honestly have any deep beliefs about anything, or is all just a teleprompter acting episode - one after another?

Interestingly enough, I have some American Indian in my house tree on my Grandfather's side way back, and I've always liked the saying that "white men speak with forked tongue" and to that point, I'd like to say so do half-white people, as well as all politicians regardless of color or race White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Arab, Eskimo, or otherwise. We all know that don't we?

Well, not that whatever is surprised but on Obama's high-priced India trip in November of 2010 he stated that the "Us Should Not Fear Outsourcing" as he spoke with the leaders of India. You can read about this in the Washington Post; "Outsourcing Us Jobs a Source of Tension on Obama's India Trip," written by Emily Wax and published on November 7, 2010.

Now then, I am not going to call whatever a liar here, especially not the President of the United States of America, but I would like to point out that man who tells lies by definition is a liar. The only interrogate now would be which time did Obama lie, before he became president or after? Please reconsider all this.

Obama Told Ohio Unions Outsourcing Was Bad - Now Tells India We Shouldn't Fear Outsourcing

My Links : todays world news headlines

Thursday, April 14, 2011

best someone else Taliban Afghanistan, than a Taliban Nuclear Pakistan!?

It took the Soviets 10 years and the loss of 15,000 forces before they admitted they admitted defeat in Afghanistan. For the West, it will not take so long for the slow bleed to become a hemorrhage. It will be only a matter of one or two years, at the most before, Afghanistan falls and the country collapses again into fragmentation and internal civil war. It may nothing else but come sooner.

The Soviets were prepared to fight to the death in Afghanistan because they knew the edge of their empire was crumbling and a domino follow on its other republics would follow. The Soviet bureaucracy was fighting for its life. In Cold War terms it would have been the equivalent of the Us loosing Mexico to communism. The Us and Nato forces don't have anything like the same motivation, determination and commitment to fight to the end in Afghanistan.

News From Afghanistan

The nature of catastrophy and abysmal defeat in Iraq fundamentally undermines the psychological foundations of any victorious defence of the Kabul regime. The failure of new "surge" will embolden the Taliban and undermine confidence in the West among the Afghan people and among the warlord Mujahedin, who dominate its government. Collapse in Iraq will intensify the sense of hopelessness and pointlessness among Western forces and compel demoralization and defeat.

They are low on sufficient resources and relegated in importance. The former British Commander of Nato forces admitted that last year they came close to losing Kandahar, the second city. It is not ruled out that much of the south and east could fall into Taliban hands this year, paving the way for the fall of Kabul, the year after.

The Taliban are ferocious fighters, with a messianic fervour to fight to the death. They bring with them the taste of veterans of the brutal Soviet war and the civil war which followed. Now regrouped, rearmed, their forces are prepared both for unfavourable open combat of approximately suicidal proportions. Furthermore they are opportunistically changing tactics, both in order to create maximum urban destabilization and to win local retain in the countryside. Boasting of more than 1,000 suicide volunteer bombers, they have also renounced their former course against heroin cultivation, thus allowing them to win retain among the rural people and gain retain from local tribes, warlords and criminal gangs, who have been alienated by Nato policies of poppy field destruction.

Although disliked and despised in many quarters, the Taliban could not advance without the retain or acquiescence of parts of the population, especially in the south. In particular, the Taliban is drawing on backing from the Pashtun tribes from whom they originate. The southern and eastern areas have been totally out of government control since 2001. Moreover, not only have they not benefited at all from the Allied occupation, but it is increasingly clear that with a few small centres of exception, all of the country outside Kabul has seen slight revision in its circumstances. The conditions for unrest are ripe and the Taliban is filling the vacuum.

The Break-Up of Afghanistan?

However, the Taliban is unlikely to win much retain outside of the marvelous Pashtun tribes. Although they make up a majority of the nation, they are concentrated in the south and east. Among the other key minorities, such as Tajiks and Uzbeks, who control the north they have no opening of manufacture new inroads. They will fight the Taliban and fight hard, but their loyalty to the Nato and Us forces is tenuous to say the least.

The Northern Alliance originally liberated Kabul from the Taliban without Allied ground support. The Northern Alliance are fierce fighters, veterans of the war of liberation against the Soviets and the Afghanistan civil war. Mobilized they count for a much stronger adversary than the Nato and Us forces. It is potential that, while they won't fight for the current government or coalition forces, they will nothing else but resist any new Taliban rule. They may settle to withdraw to their areas in the north and west of the country.

This would leave the Allied forces with few communal reserves, excepting a frightened and unstable urban people in Kabul, much like what happened to the Soviets. Squeezed by facing fierce fighting in Helmund and other provinces, and, at the same time, harried by a complementary tactic of Al Qaeda-style urban terrorism in Kabul, sooner or later, a "Saigon-style" evacuation of Us and Allied forces could be on the cards. The net follow could be the break-up and partition of Afghanistan into a northern and western area and a southern and eastern area, which would consist of the two key cities of Kandahar and, the capital Kabul.


The Taliban themselves, however may settle not to take on the Northern Alliance and fighting may combine on creating a border in the middle of the two areas, about which the two sides may reach an agreement regardless of Us and Allied plans or preferences. The Taliban may claim the name Afghanistan or might opt for "Pashtunistan" - a long-standing, though intermittent quiz, of the Pashtuns, within Afghanistan and especially along the ungovernable border regions inside Pakistan. It could not be ruled out that the Taliban could be aiming to lead a break away of the Pakistani Pashtuns to form a 30 million strong greater Pashtun state, encompassing some 18 million Pakistani Pashtuns and 12 Afghan Pashtuns.

Although the Pashtuns are more intimately related to tribal and clan loyalty, there exists a strong latent embryo of a Pashtun national consciousness and the idea of an independent Pashtunistan state has been raised regularly in the past with regard to the disputed territories tasteless to Afghanistan and Pakistan. The area was cut in two by the "Durand Line", a totally artificial border in the middle of created by British Imperialism in the 19th century. It has been a quiz, bedevilling relations in the middle of the Afghanistan and Pakistan throughout their history, and with India before Partition. It has been an untreated, festering wound which has lead to sporadic wars and border clashes in the middle of the two countries and occasional upsurges in movements for Pashtun independence.

In fact, is this what lies behind the current course of appeasement President Musharraf of Pakistan towards the Pashtun tribes in along the Frontiers and his armistice with North Waziristan last year? Is he attempting to avoid supplementary alienating Pashtun tribes there and head-off a potential separatist movement in Pakistan, which could design from the Taliban's nasty across the border in Afghanistan?

Trying to subdue the frontier lands has proven costly and unpopular for Musharraf. In effect, he faces exactly the same problems as the Us and Allies in Afghanistan or Iraq. Indeed, fighting Pashtun tribes has cost him duplicate the whole of forces as the Us has lost in Iraq. Evidently, he could not win and has located instead for an attempted political solution.

When he agreed the course of appeasement and virtual self-rule for North Waziristan last year, President Musharraf stated clearly that he is acting first and foremost to protect the interests of Pakistan. While there was outrageous in Kabul, his deal with the Pashtuns is essentially an effort to firewall his country against civil war and disintegration. In his own words, what he fears most is, the « Talibanistation » of the whole Pashtun people, which he warns could inflame the already fierce fundamentalist and other separatist movement across his entire country. He does not want to open the door for any backdraft from the Afghan war to engulf Pakistan.

Musharraf faces the nationalist struggle in Kashmir, an insurgency in Balochistan, unrest in the Sindh, and growing terrorist bombings in the main cities. There is also a large Shiite people and clashes in the middle of Sunnis and Shias are regular. Moreover, fundamentalist retain in his own Armed forces and intelligence Services is very strong. So much so that investigator consider it likely that the Army and incommunicable assistance is protecting, not only top Taliban leaders, but Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda central leadership understanding to be entrenched in the same Pakistani borderlands.

For the same reasons, he has not captured or killed Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda leadership. Returning from the frontier provinces with Bin Laden's severed head would be a trophy that would cost him his own head in Pakistan. At best he takes the occasional risk of giving a nod and a wink to a Us incursion, but even then at the peril of the chagrin of the people and his own forces and incommunicable service.

The Break-Up of Pakistan?

Musharraf probably hopes that by giving de facto autonomy to the Taliban and Pashtun leaders now with a virtual free hand for cross border operations into Afghanistan, he will undercut any hereafter upsurge in retain for a break-away independent Pashtunistan state or a "Peoples' War" of the Pashtun populace as a whole, as he himself described it.

However events may prove him sorely wrong. Indeed, his course could fully backfire upon him. As the war intensifies, he has no guarantees that the current autonomy may yet burgeon into a separatist movement. Appetite comes with eating, as they say. Moreover, should the Taliban fail to re-conquer al of Afghanistan, as looks likely, but captures at least half of the country, then a Taliban Pashtun caliphate could be established which would act as a magnet to separatist Pashtuns in Pakistan. Then, the likely break up of Afghanistan along ethnic lines, could, indeed, lead the way to the break up of Pakistan, as well.

Strong centrifugal forces have all the time bedevilled the stability and unity of Pakistan, and, in the context of the new world situation, the country could be faced with civil wars and favorite fundamentalist uprisings, probably including a military-fundamentalist coup d'état.

Fundamentalism is deeply rooted in Pakistan society. The fact that in the year following 9/11, the most favorite name given to male children born that year was "Osama" (not a Pakistani name) is a small indication of the mood. Given the weakening base of the traditional, secular opposition parties, conditions would be ripe for a coup d'état by the fundamentalist wing of the Army and Isi, leaning on the radicalised masses to take power. Some form of radical, forces Islamic regime, where legal powers would shift to Islamic courts and forms of shira law would be likely. Although, even then, this might not take place outside of a protracted accident of upheaval and civil war conditions, mixing fundamentalist movements with nationalist uprisings and sectarian violence in the middle of the Sunni and minority Shia populations.

The horror that is now Iraq would take on gothic proportions across the continent. The prophesy of an arc of civil war over Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq would spread to south Asia, stretching from Pakistan to Palestine, through Afghanistan into Iraq and up to the Mediterranean coast.

Undoubtedly, this would also spill over into India both with regards to the Muslim society and Kashmir. Border clashes, terrorist attacks, sectarian pogroms and insurgency would break out. A new war, and possibly nuclear war, in the middle of Pakistan and India could not be ruled out.

Atomic Al Qaeda

Should Pakistan break down completely, a Taliban-style government with strong Al Qaeda work on is a real possibility. Such deep chaos would, of course, open a "Pandora's box" for the region and the world. With the possibility of unstable clerical and forces fundamentalist elements being in control of the Pakistan nuclear arsenal, not only their use against India, but Israel becomes a possibility, as well as the acquisition of nuclear and other deadly weapons secrets by Al Qaeda.

Invading Pakistan would not be an choice for America. Therefore a nuclear war would now again become a real strategic possibility. This would bring a shift in the tectonic plates of global relations. It could usher in a new Cold War with China and Russia pitted against the Us.

What is at stake in "the half-forgotten war" in Afghanistan is far greater than that in Iraq. But America's capacities for controlling the situation are very restricted. Might it be, in the end, they are also forced to accept President Musharraf's unspoken motto of "Better an additional one Taliban Afghanistan, than a Taliban Nuclear Pakistan!"

best someone else Taliban Afghanistan, than a Taliban Nuclear Pakistan!?

See Also : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Time To Grieve, A Time To Move send

On September 11, 2001, a strong wind ran through the streets of New York City, trees swayed, and forecasters urged habitancy to bring light coats and jackets to work.

Just a short while later, the course of history changed forever as four airplanes were converted into missiles by the emissaries of hatred.

News From Afghanistan

Thousands died. Countless more were injured, whether physically or emotionally, and their pain lingers to this day in many cases.

Time seemed to slow down and speed up all at once, and an infinite whole of time later and seemingly only seconds later, President George W. Bush announced the invasion of Afghanistan.

Poorly planned and, in retrospect, carelessly led, the campaign against Afghanistan was mounted and the Taliban regime seemingly toppled.

Less than two years later, the United States, still in knee-jerk mode, invaded Iraq, in part because of Republican claims that Hussein had tied to al-Qaeda and in part because no Democrat voiced any essential opposition to the war, for fear of dropping out of favor with voters.

9/11 was never a political day. President Obama did well yesterday in calling for a day of silent reflection and "national unity" instead of the high level of partisanship that is taking over this year's 9/11, what with Quran burnings in Florida and renewed outcries over the Ground Zero mosque.

The greatness of nations is not measured by their immediate reaction to a crisis.

Majestic nations can positively be thrown into chaos by earthquakes or sudden and unprovoked invasions or by a handful of hate-filled terrorists. Weak nations can suddenly rise to apparent greatness due to a quick reaction to those very same calamities that can bring chaos to the world's largest empires.

On September 11, 2001, the United States, then positively the world's only superpower, was thrown into chaos and its reactions and political discourse were suddenly dominated by the acts of terrorists.

To this day, those acts continue to dominate the national discourse. Terms like "the war on terror" have disappeared, but as the incident with Pastor Jones and as the outcry over a mosque have both shown, the United States continues to be dominated by that sorrowful day.

It is, of course, proper to remember those who died that day. It is proper to remember the unknowing victims who were taken from us that day.

But the United States of America is, at the very least geopolitically, a great nation, and great nations should not be dominated by the actions of others. Great nations should have the impel to define their own realities and their own discourses.

So far, the United States has yet to do that.

Even with a new president and with the start of a new decade, the United States continues to be in the grip of the hate-filled terrorists who launched a cowardly charge on innocents.

Without losing sight of the fallen and without forgetting the sight of those two great towers on the New York City sky-line, it is high time for the United States to move beyond 9/11, to perceive that sometimes the best remedy is to focus on the hereafter instead of the past.

It is not a demand of forgetting.

It is a demand of orientation.

Will the United States continue its course of reacting, or will the nation that was once the positively dominant superpower of our planet move beyond reacting and positively start to set its own agenda?

Will the United States focus on the past, or start to think once more of the future?

President Obama's version of withdrawing from Iraq was a step in the right direction, but much more is needed for the United States to positively move beyond the terror of that fateful day.

It is time for airports to stop being scary, and it is time for a security system that moves beyond police officers with self-operating charge rifles standing in beloved Manhattan streets, and it is time for the subway announcements reminding habitancy of random quest rights for the police to stop.

The mentality of terror is as gift as ever.

The United States was a great nation once.

It is time for the United States to re-gain that greatness again, and finding toward the hereafter and beyond the past is the only way to do that.

To those who lost loved ones on that day, our thoughts and prayers, today and every day, are with you, your families, and those you.

A Time To Grieve, A Time To Move send

Friends Link : todays world news headlines

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Global Terrorist And Drug Trafficking Cartels

There is a relationship in the middle of Middle East terrorists and the drug trade dates back more than two decades, when the United States and pro-Western governments opposed the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. At that time the focus was on training and equipping fierce mujahideen fighters to resist communist occupation forces, but the means to that end were often the same drug money. Today it is the same thing but growing. The drugs raised in Afghanistan finds its way via smuggling routes into markets in both Europe and the United States where they are sold. In turn millions of dollars and Eros are used to fund terrorist and their terror not only in Afghanistan but around the world. Most of these same terrorist drug organizations that fuel the terror network also help to fund the Taliban attacks in Afghanistan. Part of this illicit cash provides operating capital for international terrorist Osama Bin Laden and others.

Afghanistan produces over 80 percent of the world's opium provide and 90 percent of the opiate products destined for Europe and the Usa. Unlike their counterparts in Colombia, the terrorists in Afghanistan enjoy the benefits of a trafficker-driven economy that lacks a national government who has any interest in combating it.

News From Afghanistan

Afghanistan President Hamid Karzal recently at a news conference said, "It destroys our economy, it destroys a good family life in Afghanistan, which is the most foremost thing to have in any country. And most foremost of all, drug production and trafficking goes hand in hand with terrorism, the money that's created from drugs feeds terrorism in Afghanistan
and the rest of the world".

Us Drug enforcement administration Dea brain confirms the presence of a linkage in the middle of Afghanistan's ruling Taliban and international terrorist Osama Bin Laden. Although Dea has no direct evidence to confirm that Bin Laden is involved in the drug trade, the sanctuary in Pakistan enjoyed by Bin Laden is based on the Taliban's reserve for the drug trade, which is a original source of earnings in Afghanistan. Credible Dea source information indicates ties in the middle of the Taliban and the drug trade. The Taliban directly taxes and derives financial benefits from the opium trade. They even provide receipts for their collected drug revenues.

Drug czar John Walters has acknowledged that "the struggle in the middle of narco-trafficking has to be connected with the fight against terrorism" because "drug-trafficking groups contribute to the financing of corruption and terrorism."

Those involved in the drug trade in the Middle East are as serious about their speculation as their violent counterparts in countries such as Colombia, Mexico and the Golden Triangle cartels. Attacks on foreign-aid workers in Afghanistan have skyrocketed - from one a month to one every two days - particularly in areas where opium-producing flowers are being harvested. "It's no ifs ands or buts true that safety is worse in places where habitancy are growing poppies," said Diane Johnson, the Afghanistan agenda director for the Mercy Corps, a charity based in Portland, Oregon.

Afghanistan produces more opium than any other country. Dea has seen no decrease in availability, and no increase in the price of Southwest Asian Heroin in the United States and European buyer countries. This indicates that important amounts of opiates still remain ready and are plentiful in the provide pipeline. Agreeing to the United Nations, up to 60% of Afghanistan's opium crop is stored for time to come sales.

"The earnings from the poppy trade in Afghanistan is more than all the humanitarian aid combined," said Paul Barker, Afghanistan director of Care. He's right, of course; poppy cultivation in that country earned .2 billion in 2002, compared with 0 million in foreign aid, providing an anticipated incentive to those who profited from poppy growing to adopt an "any means necessary" coming to protecting their largest cash cow.

Rep. Ed Royce, ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs terrorism and nonproliferation subcommittee, said an Drug enforcement administration (Dea) document highlights how vulnerable the nation is when fighting the war on terrorism.

"I'll be asking the terrorism subcommittee to hold a hearing on the Dea report's disturbing findings," said Mr. Royce of California. "A flood of name changes from Arabic to Hispanic and the reported linking of drug cartels on the Texas border with Middle East terrorism needs to be thoroughly investigated."

Dea says they will continue to aggressively recognize and build cases against drug trafficking organizations contributing to global terrorism. They intend to limit the capability of drug traffickers to use their destructive goods as a commodity to fund malicious assaults on humanity and the rule of law.

According to the Dea their mission is to target the excellent international drug trafficking organizations that operate around the world, supplying drugs to American communities, employing thousands of individuals to converyance and distribute drugs. Some of these groups have never hesitated to use violence and terror to develop their interests, all to the detriment of law-abiding citizens. We see in these groups today a merger of international organized crime, drugs, and terror. While Dea does not specifically target terrorists, per se, we can and will target and track down drug traffickers involved in terrorist acts, wherever in the world we can find them.

Dea's interest in terrorism and insurgencies is based on three considerations: National Security, Force Protection, and Foreign Intelligence.

The Columbian and Mexican drug cartels now believed to be working with international terrorist is the most pervasive organizational threat to the United States.

These new combined international drug trafficking organizations are involved organizations with extremely defined command-and-control structures that produce, transport, and/or distribute large quantities of Afghanistan illicit drugs.

The Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations (Dto's) are excellent for the terrorist because they are active in every region of the country and dominate the illicit drug trade in every area in both Mexico and the United States. Because of this new alliance Mexican Dtos are increasing their operations dramatically in order to gain a larger share of the drug market. Colombian Dtos are dominant cocaine and heroin traffickers, particularly in the Northeast; however, they are increasingly relinquishing operate to Mexican Dtos in order to shield themselves from law enforcement detection. The Mexican Dtos are already major transporters and distributors of cocaine and South American heroin into the U.S. They also distribute cocaine and other drugs to numerous other Dtos and criminal groups that are also active in the United States the world's largest users of cocaine and heroin.

Other reasons the terrorist have chosen the Mexican Dtos is they operate the communication and wholesale distribution of most illicit drugs in every area of the western hemisphere, exerting unrivaled operate over communication and wholesale distribution of cocaine, Mexican heroin, Mexican marijuana, and ice methamphetamine. Their established overland communication routes and entrenched distribution networks enable them to provide original and secondary drug markets throughout these regions. Mexican Dtos are further increasing their influence throughout the world.

Other organizations pandering to the global terrorist drug traffickers is Asian Dtos and criminal groups based in Canada have emerged as important producers, transporters, and distributors of high-potency marijuana and Mdma to drug markets throughout the United States. Others are Colombian, Dominican, Cuban, and Jamaican Dtos serve as major transporters and distributors of illicit drugs in the United States. Still others getting involved are Criminal groups operating in the United States and they are numerous and range from small to moderately sized, loosely knit groups that distribute one or more drugs at the midlevel and retail level.

The drug distribution is even evolving Gangs in America and they in turn sale to the street dealers. The street dealers than get the products to the smaller dealers to distribute to our neighbors. All of this creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. And that is exactly what the terrorist want.

The U.S. Indicates an increase in worldwide ask for heroin, and the resulting profitability of poppy growing in the regions of the world where terrorist organizations most flourish. U.S. And other soldiery have been in Afghanistan for some years - despite having ousted the ruling Taliban government, which reserve al-Qaeda terrorists. Fighting an ongoing guerrilla war against supporters of Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar in hopes of creating a carport government in Kabul and the country in general is proving to be slim.

The illegal drug store is one of the most profitable in the world. It is extremely difficult to know the global value of the drug trade since it is a company that is illegal, underground, and hard to trace. The United Nations Drug operate agenda estimates that it is worth 0 billion per year, equivalent to 8% of world trade. In the United States, alone, the drug trade is worth upwards of 0 billion per year. It is now close to 20 years since the U.S. Government has been fighting the "War On Drugs," but despite the billions of dollars spent, an mammoth amount of drugs continues to flow into the country. And now even more coming in from Afghanistan.

However, with poppy sales on the rise in Afghanistan local warlords whose allegiance rests comfortably with anti-U.S. Factions and those whose loyalty is up for sale can be counted on to continue cultivating this extremely coveted crop to raise money for local armies fighting to expel American and allied soldiery from Afghanistan.

According to the United Nations Drug operate agenda More heroin production will mean that more drugs will be sold on American streets by the kinds of characters who would do company with terrorists. street crime and corruption will no ifs ands or buts be a booming industry in the next few years. On the foreign-policy front, rising ask for illegal drugs from the United States and other countries means more money for terrorists to finance violent operations against coalition soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. It means unfortunately more body bags coming home from the frontlines.

According to a Dea source who wants to remain nameless said, "There are no quick fixes to the poppy question in Afghanistan, I would say aerial eradication is wrong, it will drive farmers, the vast majority of whom are very poor and trying to feed their families into the hands of the Taliban and that would be a big mistake"

Global Terrorist And Drug Trafficking Cartels

Related : todays world news headlines

Monday, April 11, 2011

Earth Quake in Pakistan 2005

The morning of October 8, 2005 is a day Pakistanis will never forget for a long time to come. This is because this was the day the grand earthquake had struck the Indo-Pakistan border with a magnitude of 7.6. Not only did this earthquake in Pakistan influence Pakistan, it also affected northern India and eastern Afghanistan. In fact, this earthquake in Pakistan in thought about to be one of the strongest earthquakes that has occurred in this area since M7.6 in 1555.

With this earthquake, northern Pakistan and many parts of adjoining Jammu and Kashmir had witnessed some thousand deaths. In addition to this, about 10 habitancy from other pars of north India and 4 in Afghanistan had also died. Even other states of India, like Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, which are more than a thousand kilometers from the earthquake site, had felt the tremors of the earthquake in Pakistan.

News From Afghanistan

Basically, Pakistan experiences earthquake activity in the north and western sections of Pakistan, along the boundary of the Indian, Iranian and Afghan micro-plates. There is the Chaman Fault that is settled along the western frontier of Pakistan with Afghanistan from Kalat, to go on to the northern Makran range that is passed Quetta and then to Kabul, Afghanistan.

The fault that runs along the Makran coast is similar in nature to the West Coast found along the coast of Maharashtra, India. There is also an active subduction zone that exists off the Makran coast. This is where the great earthquake in Pakistan of 1945 was centered and is the boundary in the middle of the Arabian and Iranian micro-plates. There are also thrust zones found running along the Salt, Sulaiman and Kirthar ranges.

Pakistan is divided into 4 zones, based on the anticipated ground acceleration in Pakistan. Zone 4 consists of the areas that surround Quetta, parts of Nwfp and along the Makran coast and Afghan border. The remaining parts of the Nwfp lies in Zone3, except for southern parts of this province that lies in Zone2. Even the remaining parts of Pakistani coast, till Karachi is found in Zone 3. Zone 2 consists of the remaining parts of Pakistan, including the major cities of Pakistan, Peshawar, Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

Despite being part of Zone 2, these cities ordinarily experience earthquakes from the north and neighboring city of Afghanistan. Zone 1 of Pakistan includes the upper western part of Balochistan and regions found running along the border with India. Lahore is also included in this zone. Lahore is the city which had experienced serious damage while the 1905 Kangra earthquake of neighboring India.

Today, the most vulnerable parts of Pakistan which are more than likely to experience an earthquake in Pakistan are parts of Balochstan province lying in and around Quetta that stretches to the Afghan border and the western parts of Balochistan. This also includes the Makran coast that runs till the Iranian border. You can expect a maximum peak ground acceleration that ranges in the middle of 0.24 to 0.4g in these regions.

In addition to earthquakes in Pakistan, the coast of Pakistan has also been affected by tsunamis and tidal waves. In fact, the worst case was in 1945 when there was an earthquake in Pakistan which struck a magnitude of 7.9 on the Makran coast, with waves that reached heights of 12 meters.

Earth Quake in Pakistan 2005

Recommend : todays world news headlines

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Undeclared War Against Wikileaks

The U.S. Government appears to be waging an undeclared war against Wikileaks and its founder, Julian Assange, while media and other enterprise interests either cheer the effort on or run for cover.

This clash is setting some precedents that we may all live to regret.

News From Afghanistan

The government is infuriated at Wikileaks' issue of about a quarter-million private messages purloined from the State Department, following earlier disclosures of soldiery material from Iraq and Afghanistan. Some of the leaks, particularly from the war zones, clearly jeopardized individuals' personal security or American security interests. Most of the recent disclosures, however, merely confirm and add information to things we already knew. We did not need Wikileaks to tell us that the Arab states in the Persian Gulf were alarmed at the expectation of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons.

Still, the officials responsible for safeguarding American secrets find it outrageous that a self-appointed defender of the public's right to know has usurped their power to decree what facts should be released. Nobody in group office likes to have his or her authority challenged.

But this is not merely about protecting lawful privilege. Assange probably would not lose any sleep if one of his disclosures got an American intelligence source fired or killed. He is not responsible for stopping weapons proliferation or terrorist attacks, and his conscience may not be affected if a lot of population die after such efforts fail. From the viewpoint of officialdom, what Wikileaks is doing admittedly is outrageous.

At moments like this, when emotions run high, we do well to remember that there are also other system and other points of view. The Wall road Journal's editorial page lost sight of this when it essentially called for Assange to be assassinated.(1)

"If he were exposing Chinese or Russian secrets, he would already have died at the hands of some unknown assailant," the newspaper wrote. "As a foreigner (Australian citizen) engaged in hostile acts against the U.S., Mr. Assange is admittedly not protected from U.S. Reprisal under the laws of war."

The Journal lost an excellent, dedicated journalist named Daniel Pearl when he was beheaded in 2002 after trying to interview jihadist leaders in Pakistan. Julian Assange is no Daniel Pearl, but he, too, exposes himself to marvelous and hostile interests to bring facts to the public. So did most of the 39 journalists that a compilation by the Committee to safe Journalists lists as killed this year.

The Wall road Journal, more than any other entity I can think of, ought to abhor extra-judicial killings of population who disseminate information, no matter what title appears on their enterprise cards.

Meanwhile, Wikileaks' technical and financial infrastructure has been under relentless attack, since just before it released the first batch of State agency documents on the night of Nov. 28.

The organization's Swedish servers were targeted in a "distributed denial of service" attack, typically used by hackers or extortionists who command legions of hijacked "zombie" computers to overwhelm a targeted website. Wikileaks, however, is not a typical market target; the strike made sense only for political reasons. Similar assaults have been mounted by Russian operatives against previous Soviet satellites that ran afoul of the Kremlin.

In this case, the party with the obvious motive is Uncle Sam. But, so far, no American or allied fingerprints have been found. It is also conceivable that someone else government that wanted to avoid inconvenient disclosures might have staged the attack.

Nevertheless, Wikileaks was forced to migrate its servers to a more robust platform offered by That only lasted a few days, however, before Amazon buckled to political pressure in the form of congressional inquiries, notably from Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn. Amazon's decision "should set the accepted for other clubs Wikileaks is using to distribute its illegally seized material," Lieberman said in a statement.(2)

Suppose someone assembles the State agency documents in book form. Should Amazon, or other vendors, be pressured or prohibited from selling the book if the U.S. Government argues that the material was "illegally seized?" The First Amendment would prevent the government from outlawing the book, but Amazon's reaction shows that pressure may suffice to get results that the law itself cannot produce.

Days after Amazon evicted Wikileaks from its bodily home, the club lost its cyberspace address when someone else U.S. Firm canceled the domain name. That firm, Everydns, also came under pressure from Lieberman. Wikileaks became temporarily inaccessible until it secured a Swiss address,

There have also been concerted efforts to cut off the Wikileaks money supply. PayPal became the third U.S. enterprise to run from the club when it suspended Wikileaks' account. The enterprise said in a blog post that Wikileaks violated a PayPal course that prohibits use of the money-transfer assistance to "encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity." Mastercad and Visa followed suit by cutting off processing for Wikileaks.

Wikileaks has not been found to have broken any law. Of course, the someone who leaked the documents - suspected to be U.S. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning - may have done so, but if Wikileaks is responsible for its sources' disclosures, then so is any news organization. Would PayPal, Mastercard or Visa cut off The New York Times for reporting on leaked secrets?

Not this time. But we have been down this road before, and in other situations, the former press has had the role that Wikileaks is playing today.

"Quit production national heroes out of those who steal secrets and issue them in the newspaper," President Richard Nixon said at the height of the Pentagon Papers controversy. His management went to court to block The New York Times from publishing the private Vietnam history leaked by Daniel Ellsberg. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called Ellsberg "the most hazardous man in America," which became the title of a documentary about the case last year. After warning The Washington Post's management that there would be financial repercussions for joining The Times in publishing the papers, the Nixon management orchestrated a challenge to the Post's licenses for five television stations. (The challenge finally failed.)

The Obama management is likewise rattling every saber it can get its hands on, for reasons that are not entirely clear. The Wikileaks documents have been disseminated electronically to every projection of the globe. What sense is there in warning Columbia University students not to link to the documents or comment on them, for fear of not getting hired by the State agency after college? Or instructing federal workers and contractors not to read the Wikileaks documents online, because they are still classified? The Pentagon Papers, which are ready in their entirety, are still classified, also. Are government workers who read the history of the Vietnam War also field to punishment?

Still, Attorney normal Eric possessor ordinarily intones that the publication of the Wikileaks papers was illegal, though he cites no singular law on the subject. There has been some venture that Wikileaks could be prosecuted for possessing stolen government documents. If Wikileaks can be prosecuted on those grounds, so could everybody involved in publishing the material Ellsberg leaked.

Assange himself is likewise the target of an apparently coordinated campaign to bring him to heel. Assange was arrested and held without bail in the United Kingdom on a Swedish certify that, agreeing to Assange's attorneys, relates to sexual relations Assange had with two women who purportedly asked him to stop when his condoms failed. While Assange may need to get best at his bedroom skills, it is fair to ask either these alleged sexual assaults would get international attention if Assange had not made so many enemies in high places.

A beneficial principle could come out of all this. If I make something a secret, it is my responsibility to keep it secret. I don't get to tell it to hundreds of thousands of people, together with low-level Army personnel who have no need to know any of this, and still make it a crime when the secrets get out - and especially not a crime for which population that merely learn the secrets, rather than actively take them, can be held responsible.

This is the approach that makes journalism possible. Anyone else reduces the press to a mere conduit for government statements. This would suit many government officials, but would not suit any community that calls itself democratic and self-governing.

The war against Wikileaks is a war against the press. The press just hasn't realized it yet.


(1) The Wall road Journal: strike By Wikileaks

(2) Cbs News: Wikileaks: Kicks Us Off Servers

The Undeclared War Against Wikileaks

Thanks To : todays world news headlines

Friday, April 8, 2011

A President's Dilemma legitimately - Send More military - Yes Or No

The War in Afghanistan is spicy to say the least, and something that is most uncomfortable to the American population is a looming question; "Why are we there?" If we are there to attack the Taliban, then why? Did they attack the New York Trade Towers or was it Al Qaeda, and if it was both, as in the Taliban training camps trains enemies against the Usa, and Al Qaeda carried out the attacks and we want to wipe them out, then we need to go after them with vengeance.

Are we doing that?

News From Afghanistan

If so, what's taking so long? And if we can't because they are hiding in Pakistan where we can't go get them, then we lose, or we allow the drones to pick them off one evil doer at a time?

Now it seems we are re-building Afghanistan, but why? We didn't destroy it, that country was bombed back to the stone age by the Russians before us and there has been inter-country violence forever and a day there in that region, all the way back some 3500 years, that we know about, truly longer.

Thus, if our young president decides to add the 30,000 further troops, he needs to remind the American population once again why we are there, and the message must be believable. If he decides not to he must justify why he is going against the mission he set out to continue and against the guidance of his soldiery commanders there. Remember this is costing a whole lot of much needed cash.

Many political analysts would call this a catch-22, as would I, and some would say it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Oh, my, see how politics can get? A president's dilemma indeed, damned if you do, damned if you don't and whatever is done like it or not the polls won't. If the Us leaves, the Taliban and Al Qaeda will claim victory regardless of the reality, and all the human proprietary challenges that exist will continue, along with the drug crops. Please think all this.

A President's Dilemma legitimately - Send More military - Yes Or No

Visit : todays world news headlines

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why is No One Talking About China's Involvement in Afghanistan?

Most habitancy don't comprehend it but China is involved in the war in Afghanistan in a big way. For instance, did you know that Al Qaeda and the Taliban are using Chinese weapons to strike Nato, and Us troops? Did you know that the new attacks in Pakistan on the World Food Program, were done by the Taliban and they were using Chinese weapons? Did you know that the new strike on the embassy in Pakistan was done by, or claimed to be the work of the Taliban?

Everyone ought to comprehend that this territory is thought about strategic to China in every way; from a military standpoint, from a resource standpoint, and from a future economic stand-point. The Chinese sell weapons to anything that is willing to pay for them, regardless of who they will be fighting or what moral and ethical standing they have. It's only about money, it's nothing personal, and we are told not to worry about it. At the same time they deny the weapons sales, that we know happened.

News From Afghanistan

It amazes me, that Us citizens will buy Chinese products, refuse to boycott products made by Chinese companies, and that our own media will hide the truth from Us consumers about China's involvement in Afghanistan. Now some would say that these sales of weapons to Afghanistan were not recent, although there are brain reports that show that they are much more new than they should be, and well within the last eight years.

The United States has been involved in fighting in Afghanistan for eight years, so that does throw a tiny pickle into the situation. China needs to come clean, be a good citizen, enjoy the trade partner status it has with America, and stop selling weapons to our enemies. That is the very minimum they need to do to forestall an all-out boycott from every Us habitancy and consumer in our country. I believe this is fair warning. Twitters next, you have been warned. Please reconsider all this.

Why is No One Talking About China's Involvement in Afghanistan?

See Also : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Should Usa Get Out of Afghanistan?

The United States of America along with Nato is involved in Afghanistan. Now more forces are going to be sent to Afghanistan. What will be the result? What does the United States of America gain by fighting in Afghanistan?

More enmity with the Muslim world-

News From Afghanistan

The immediate gain is not a gain but a big loss - resulting in an enmity with the Muslim world. The Muslim world hates western powers arrival to their countries and fighting. Why should the United States of America have this fight then? Can the Taliban be defeated? One may not think that with the kind of local hold available, the taliban can ever be defeated.

Tribal leaders have governed Afghanistan since ages. Most of them have joined the Taliban. They do not want a central government or democracy. The leaders of a tribe decide laws about everything. What the United States of America wants is to consolidate the country as a singular entity governed by a singular central government from Kabul. After years of fighting, the Afghani president Hamid Karazai's writ does not expand beyond Kabul. The Nato forces and the Us soldiers are fighting the tribals who have joined Taliban since years. But to achieve what? This fight can go on for years without giving any result.

The great way to protect the free nations from terrorism is to increases internal security. Let them do what they want in Afghanistan, but do not allow them to enter United States of America. This coming will reduce the expanding hatred of Muslims towards the western nations. Some societies just do not adapt to democracy. Imposing it on them is a fruitless task, one may be inclined to think.

None of the nations in the world want to be told how to govern. They want to be left alone the way they have been since centuries. Some countries resent western values and have their own system, which they wish to continue. The people do not hold any American performance in their country. While this type of recession, why does the Usa want someone else Vietnam?

Should Usa Get Out of Afghanistan?

Tags : todays world news headlines

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Homosexuality, Is God's Curse Upon It?

The world has become very much aware of the existence of the 'gay' segment of society, the homosexuals; men who prefer men as sexual partners, and women who prefer woman likewise. We are involved with what the Bible says, not with what sociologists or psychiatrists say. If words mean what they say, the Bible message is clear. What does it say?

1. "God created man in His own image, male and female created He them" (Genesis 1:27). For us to be male and female is God's plan.

News From Afghanistan

2. Christ upheld these ideas when He said, "have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they twain [two] shall be one flesh?" (Matthew 19:4-5).

3. God's instructions to His population Israel clearly prohibit homosexuality (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13). The punishment was death. Other sexual crimes are included, such as incest, adultery, child cut to Moloch, and intercourse with beasts. That is bad company for homosexuality!

4. The Sodom and Gomorrah story clearly presents homosexuality as a sin and a crime punished with divine judgment (Genesis 19:4-11). Ever since, the words "Sodom and Gomorrah" are words of bad dream and revulsion. Wicked as our contemporary world is, there is no city or village anywhere in the world that has taken those names!

5. The apostle Paul says that homosexuality, both the inward desire and the outward practice, is "Vile affections" (Romans 1:26-28). He said of the old people:

Even their women did convert the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not favorable (Romans 1:26-28).

He is even more emphatic in writing to the Corinthians: Do not fool yourselves; population who are immoral or who worship idols or are adulterers or homosexual perverts or who steal or are greedy or are drunkards or who slander others or are thieves- none of these will posses [inherit] God's Kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

However, lest someone reading these words should become discouraged, let us compel to quote what else Paul says immediately. Homosexuals can be changed and converted. The next verse says: Some of you were like that. But you have been purified from sin; you have been dedicated to God; you have been put right with God by the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God (verse 11).

A 'homosexual pervert" is one who practices this evil, compliancy to his inward lust. Some thoughtful population speak of homosexual "inverts" as those who have an inward desire for population of their own sex, but who do not permit these inner desires to bear fruit in bodily practice. No one knows for sure how homosexuality comes about in some people, or why they have these unnatural desires. Often it may be true that this health is not surely their fault. It is the consequent of evil influences brought to bear upon them perhaps in early childhood. Therefore, we must be right not to condemn population who carry the heavy burden of this inclination. Likewise, there are population who are taught from early childhood to lie and to steal. We do not condemn them either; but we do teach the "good news" that the grace of Christ can deliver them from their compulsive habits of lying and stealing. There is a savior; He can save homosexuals, also!

A liar or thief who has found Christ the savior and believes the "good news" may still be tempted to lie or steal; but he overcomes even as Christ "overcame" (Revelation 3:21). It may be possible that a someone may never thoroughly get beyond the possibility of being tempted homosexually; but he can gain the victory. A heterosexual someone (who is attracted to the opposite sex) may always be tempted to commit fornication or adultery too; but he can overcome these temptations, can't he? If not, then Christ has died in vain! Anita Bryant says, "There are examples..... Of population who have been delivered after living as a homosexual for 26 years. A someone can be delivered if they want to, totally delivered from being a practicing homosexual. But if is a spiritual problem". (The wittenberg Door, 1977, page 10).

Here are two testimonies from converted homosexuals:
I was a homosexual for many years. Now I am happily married to a astounding man and have three children. I am not disillusioned; I am fulfilled because I am not the someone God intended me to be. Psychotherapy may not be able to heal or issue a someone from homosexual orientation"- but God can! Homosexuality is a sin and must be dealt with by confession, repentance, and healing by God, followed by an ongoing and deepening connection with Jesus Christ. It is the accountability of Christians to love the sinners and tell them that homosexuality is a sin. And offer them hope of a different future- Patricia Sheldon, sunnyvale, California.

Homosexuality is not nice. It is violent, ruthless, and most importantly, an act that defies the word of God. I should know, I was a homosexual for eight unbearable years and it was a living hell. I finally realized that I would not get to Heaven if I continued to be a homosexual. I got down on my knees and asked God to forgive me. The I had to forgive myself. My Life has changed dramatically, bringing me the peace I was searching for. And I know 11 other reformed homosexuals who have given their lives to God- Robert Anderson, Hollywood, Florida.

There are other such examples of population who were delivered from this sinful immoral and unnatural act. God has never in any way intended it to be this way and as earlier stated, just as some thieves would claim to love stealing from the beginning, so also do these homosexuals and only the sufficient salvage grace of God would be able to bring them out of this sexual slavery.

As earlier state, some claim it is a natural phenomenon which cannot be controlled. They say they grow up with it and they start feeling it inside. This is surely not an excuse. Most drug addicts who started at an early age say the same thing too. Does this clarify them to take drugs? The same also applies to sex addicts and all sort of 'freaks' with negative influences. We all are exposed to chances of interesting in one evil institution or the other, depending on our upbringing and environment, but notwithstanding, we can comprise any form of vices we are exposed to. This is where parents come into play. No matter how a child is, in case,granted that Child is trained rightly, no matter what, he will never leave from such a training (Proverbs 22:6). He or she may deviate, but the word already planted and rooted in that child will always bring him or her back on track. So there is no excuse for becoming a homosexual and if we pick to indulge in the ungodly act, the bitter truth is simple- We are doomed for Hell. Do you want this?

Homosexuality, Is God's Curse Upon It?

Recommend : todays world news headlines

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Herbie Hancock

Herbie Hancock is a name that thrills ears and raises eyebrows whenever he is featured. This is because the versatile musician had always brought up something new with every album he releases. Recently, he just released a new album and he did not fail the expectations of his fans.

Herbie born April 12, 1940--now aged 70--was born in Chicago, Illinois. He is an American musician who started music at an early age of seven. He started learning classical music at that age and was often called the child prodigy by those who saw him play. Now six decades and three years later, that child prodigy had spread his music prowess so far that he is been called a legend by some music commentators. Herbie now a composer, band leader and pianist started music professionally at the age of 21. And since then he had so much feats, like being one of the architects of the genre of music that mixes jazz and funk. He also learnt other instruments like;synthesizers, clavinet, keytar, and voceder.

News From Afghanistan

Among his numerous achievements are;a predominant 2008 Grammy Award for album of the year on his 2007 tribute album river:The Joni letters. He had also won so many other predominant awards so far in his work like the playboy music poll awards several times, keyboard magazine readers poll awards, etc.

All through his work he had been known as a someone who fuses together distinct genres of music as he popularly blends Jazz, Blues, and contemporary Classical music. Recently he had released a new album in which he recommend that the world would be a good place if there is unity and everybody comes together. To expound this he blended distinct cultures of music, he worked with musicians from Afghanistan, Somalia, Chile, France, etc. And this made the album sound special.

Though we've just received an additional one thriller from the legend in this new album but imagine what more thrills await us in the future if he does not retire.

Herbie Hancock

See Also : todays world news headlines

Saturday, April 2, 2011

War - Why Are Our forces in Afghanistan?

It is difficult for whatever to understand war and the reasons for war. Over and, over again habitancy keep request the question. Why are our soldiery in Afghanistan? Their have been too many American Lives lost through this whole ordeal. Thousands during 2001 and from then until now even more lives lost.

Our world has been at war practically since the beginning of time. This is tragic however; the habitancy and countries complicated during the times of war believed it was necessary. Principal to fight for a cause they felt was right whether it was or not, is not a human being to judge. Only one who has the power to judge man.

News From Afghanistan

The surmise our soldiery are still in Afghanistan is, that most Americans still remember the innocent lives lost on 9-11 we were brutally, attacked for no just cause. Women, Men, Children, as well as Law compulsion and Fire and saving habitancy all died that day without warning. habitancy going about their everyday lives traveling from on place to someone else as well became complicated and died.

This caused America to take performance and show the other countries of the world that America would not tolerate this kind of attack. This is what our soldiery are over there for and this is a meaningful cause to them. It is a meaningful cause to us as well or we would not reserve them in every way we could or be willing to reduce them if needed.

This is why our soldiery are in Afghanistan and we are with them 100% and will be until the task is completed.

War - Why Are Our forces in Afghanistan?

Thanks To : todays world news headlines

Friday, April 1, 2011

Booming: Television News Channels in India

News programmes have suddenly become hot property and are vying for attention with other popular programmes telecast in separate channels. All major television broadcasters are along with at least one news channel to their bouquet. The biggest ill for launching a satellite channel is programme software for round the clock. In this juncture, newsgathering is a major task for the 24-hour news channels. To cater this task, the emerging electronic channels have always made an attempt to cover all the incidents irrespective of position, location and time. These channels not only revolutionized the opinion of news on Indian television but also changed the news formats. Before 1990s, Doordarshan had monopolized newscast on Indian television and also turned the news programs into a dowdy exercise. Now the secret channels made the news an significant commodity like food, cloth and shelter. The strong point of all today’s news bulletins is their topicality, objectivity, slick editing and high-quality visuals. News has traveled a long way from the Dd era. From Local events to International events, breaking news to news analysis, television soap to page3 news, every happening comes under purview of news. In this article, we have covered some significant changes in news broadcasting in India before and after the Gulf War.

Indian Television - Flash Back

News From Afghanistan

Television in India is undergoing significant changes in the current liberalized environment. To understand these changes, one needs to have some brief idea of the road covered by the television channels so far. The journey started as an experimental basis with a financial grant from Unesco in 15th September 1959. The makeshift studio at Akashvani Bhavan in New Delhi was chosen for location of the experiment. The experiment started with one-hour program, broadcast twice a week, on community health, citizen rights, study and traffic sense etc. As far as news is concerned, it was launched exactly six years after the inception of television broadcasting. Daily one-hour schedule with a news bulletin was served to the Indian viewers. But one major drawback of television was that you could not enjoy the customary colour of the objects because of black and white transmission. First multi-color programme was the Prime Minister’s address to the nation from Red Fort in Delhi on India’s 35th Independence Day. In the same day, Dd National channel was launched. The aim of launching the National channel is nurturing national integration, and inculcating a sense of pride in Indians. Indian viewers also enjoyed the colored version of the Asian Games hosted by New Delhi in their drawing room. The coverage of major events and separate occasions lend a big hand behind the infiltration of television signals to the nook and corners of the subcontinent. Indian Government had taken all potential steps to enlarge the television broadcasting demographically and geographically. In 1983 television signals were available to just 28% of the population, this had doubled by the end of 1985 and by 1990 over 90% of the citizen had way to television signals. In 1984, Dd Metro channel was added to furnish an exclusive entertainment for the urban viewers. In the beginning, this channel was confined to metropolitan cities.
As a communal broadcaster, Doordarshan presented the news in naturalized manner. All controversial issues were pushed under the carpet. The ruling government had a strong hold on the television broadcasting. Doordarshan news bulletins were unable to furnish the international news to the national viewers. Objectivity had been the first casualty as news was invariably slanted to suit the party in power. The news was liberated from the confines of the Dd newsroom and gained in objectivity and credibility when New Delhi Television (Ndtv) produced ‘The World This Week’ in 1988. Everybody was waiting for the Friday night to watch ‘The World This Week’. This was the only India-based programme, which looked out at the rest of the world. The World This Week was the best current affairs programme on the international scenario and carried good stuff of news, which the regular Dd news was failed to carry out. This schedule is ranked as one of the country’s finest and most popular television shows. In 1989, Ndtv produces India’s first live televised coverage of the country’s general elections. The significant and commercial success of the coverage sets a new appropriate for Indian television. After the Gulf War the media panorama has changed forever.

Golf War – The Catalyst

Post-1990 satellite television in India has become transnational in nature. It coincided with the entry of multinational companies in the Indian markets under the Government procedure of privatization. International satellite television was introduced in India by Cnn through its coverage of the Gulf War in 1991. In August 1991, Richard Li launched Star Plus, the first satellite channel beamed the signal to Indian subcontinent. Subhash Chandra’s Zee Tv appeared in October 1992. It is India’s first confidentially owned Hindi channel to cater the interest of Indian viewers. This ignition followed by Sony and a little later by domestic channels such as Eenadu, Asianet and Sun Tv. Entertainment programs had begun to occupy town stage in the organization’s programming strategies and advertising had come to be main source of funding. Doordarshan’s earlier mandate to aid in the process of communal and economic improvement had clearly been diluted. Doordarshan had faced a stiff competition in news and communal affairs programming with international channels like Bbc and Cnn. Doordarshan planned to sell some slots for news programme under sponsored category. In February 1995, Ndtv becomes the country’s first secret producer of the national newsNews Tonight’, which aired on the country’s government-owned Doordarshan set a new landmark for Indian television because of its on-the-spot reporting with pertinent visuals. In the same year, Tv Today Network busy a 20 minutes slot in Dd Metro channel and aired a Hindi and current affairs programme ‘Aaj Tak’. This programme became popular for its widespread coverage and unique style presentation by Late S. P. Singh. Still we remembered the sign-up message “Ye Thi Khabar Aaj Tak, Intizar. Kijiye Kal Tak”. Large whole of viewers across India had been watching Aaj Tak as a daily habit because of its innovative style of news presentation. Besides that Nalini Singh’s five-minute fast paced, condensed daily news capsule Ankhon Dekhi, Tv Today Network’s business Aaj Tak and Newstrack was aired on the Metro channel of Doordarshan. This is the duration when satellite channels concentrated on entertainment programmes for their respective channels. Doordarshan was still ruled the most wanted area ‘news’.

Major Players

Doordarshan’s monopoly was broken in 1992, when secret television channels infiltrated into the Indian boundaries and entertain the viewers as much as possible. In the beginning of 1990s, the secret channels offered only entertainment programmes. The entertainment programs contain house drama, comedy serials, children programmes, cartoons, movies, talk shows, formula shows, musical concerts, non-fiction programmes etc. secret entertainment channels added some infortainment programmes to their Fixed Point Charts (Fpc). Retention the examine of infotainment programmes in mind, the media houses started to yield news magazines, entertainment magazines and news programmes for separate channels. India’s premier business and consumer news broadcaster and a foremost media content provider, Television Eighteen India little (Tv18) started India’s first ever entertainment magazine ‘The India Show’ on Star Plus in 1993. This emerging media powerhouse in case,granted prime time television content to practically all foremost satellite channels in India along with Bbc, Star Plus, Sony Entertainment Television, Zee, Mtv and Discovery. After The India Show, Tv18 produced a weekly business news schedule India business record for Bbc World. Indian viewers had very little options (like communal service broadcaster Doordarshan, Bbc and Cnn) for watching the television news. For televised news, the viewers had to watch Dordarshan and some international news channels like Bbc or Cnn. In this race to furnish more news, more information, Zee Television jumped into the battlefield by launching the news channel Zee News in 1995. This News and current affairs channel revolutionized the way news was delivered to the viewers. Since its inception Zee News has endeavoured to be the fastest to furnish news, working towards a singular goal of Sabse Pahle (Always First). The other round-the-clock news channel, the Murdoch-owned Star Tv beamed its exclusively 24-hour news channels, Star News in 1998. Star made a covenant of five year with Prannoy Roy-owned Ndtv (New Delhi Television Company) to furnish news content for this news channel.
The untiring exhaustive coverage of the Kargil war in the middle of India and Pakistan gained more publicity and attracted more viewers towards the electronic channel. This televised conflict also sets a news benchmark for wartime journalism. While the Kargil war, coarse citizens witnessed how their brave Jawans fought despite in hostile conditions and watched the war front live by the exclusively news channels, Star-Tv and Zee-News. The live coverage of the battlefield helped to originate a euphoria of patriotism among the Indian masses, which later facilitated into collecting huge funds for the welfare of the families of Kargil martyrs. Every news programme draws the attention of large whole of viewers but Kargil war attracts secret broadcasters to invest more money in the broadcasting business by launching a news channel. In November 1999, Tv18 entered into a 49:51 joint speculation with Cnbc Asia to launch Cnbc India. Tv18 is the sole schedule provider to Cnbc India, and produces 12 hours of local content per day on this 24-hour satellite channel.
After the huge success of news programme ‘Aaj Tak’, Tv Today group launched a 24-hour Hindi news channel with the same name ‘Aaj Tak’, in December 2000, which covers India with insight, courage and fullness of local flavour. Within 11 months of its launch, Aaj Tak emerged as India’s whole one news channel and was awarded Best News Channel award from Indian Television Academy Awards. Some mega events apart from regular curious items (such as Kandhahar hijack, September 11 attacks, Afghanistan war, charge on Parliament, Iraq war, Godhra carnage and riots) have driven up the viewership. As time passed, Ndtv’s five years covenant with Star group for outsourcing of news and linked programming expired on March 2003. With the expiry Ndtv forayed into broadcasting business by simultaneously launching two 24-hour news channels; Ndtv 24X7 – English news channel and Ndtv India – Hindi news channel, which targets the Indian diaspora across the world. News crazy Indians received more news at faster speed from separate channels. Any unusual happening can be caught by the television camera anywhere form Rastrapati Bhawan to bedroom. The power of Tv journalism was become more illustrated by the major sting operations like carrying out West End and Shakti Kapoor Case. This style of investigative journalism has brought about a turn in the way we look at news, amidst new notions of editorial freedom. The world’s largest house ‘Sahara India Parivar’ launched a 24-hour national Hindi news channel, Sahara Samay, in March 28, 2003. It is the first ever city-centric satellite news channels exterior 31 cities in India with their own city news bulletins. Retention the examine of news in mind, the Union cabinet beloved the proposal to turn the Dd Metro to Dd news in a meeting held on 3 October 2003. Consequent to these decisions, Dd-News channel was launched on 3 November 2003. You might have noticed that the news channels are language specific. But Dd’s news channel contains the round the clock news bulletins in Hindi/ English are also telecast twice a day on the National Network of Dd National.
‘Aap Ki Adalat’ fame Rajat Sharma, Sohaib Ilyasi, the man behind the highly thriving ‘India's Most Wanted’ and Taun Tejpal, editor-in-chief of Tehelka roped together and launched a free-to-air Hindi news and current affairs channel India Tv on May 20, 2004. Indian viewers had more expectations from this channel. The much-awaited news channel hopes to set itself apart from the existing ones by setting new benchmarks of responsible journalism. Speaking on the chance of the launch, Rajat Sharma, chairman, India Tv, said, “We aim to turn the way broadcast news reporting is being conducted in the country. India Tv will set new benchmarks by maintaining international standards of responsible and credible news reporting. We will stay away from illustrated depictions of violence and sensationalism of news. We will uphold the viewer's right to strict data and their right to truth and verity. India Tv is not just a news channel, it is a movement.” Ndtv as a pioneer in Indian television news, set to originate a fresh revolution in high-quality business news with the launch of Ndtv Profit. Ndtv launched this 24-hour business channel on January 17th, 2005.
There is no saturation point in launching of news channel, just booming like sky as the limit. Entertainment channel to infotainment channel, infotainment channel to news channel, news channels to business channel and business channel to lots more. Now the satellite channels become more topicality with international standard. When we are talking about topicality, Cnbc Tv18, the only business channel, continues to be the medium of option for India’s decision makers, affluent audiences across the country since 1999. It has set the pace for the growth in whole of television channels by launching a 24-hour consumer channel in Hindi called ‘ Awaaz’. This news channel focusses on empowering consumers on decision-making linked to investment, rescue and spending. All the programmes are catering to consumers across separate walks of life, which included personal finance; variety of markets along with commodity, stocks, savings etc.; small businesses; study & career guidance; and verticals like health, shopping etc.
Another news channel was finally launched into the already cluttered news space in Indian television. Jagran Tv Pvt Limited's news channel, Channel 7 up-linked to the air on 27 March 2005. The channel has been set up to cater to the vast Hindi-speaking audiences, already being targeted by a slew of news channels. Channel 7 advanced every programme with a bid to cater to all types of audiences and not just pre-dominantly male audiences who get attracted towards news channels.

Regional Leaders

To cater the interest among the Indians, Doordarshan televises programmes in Hindi and associate lawful languages. It has launched a whole of Regional Language Satellite Channels (Dd - 4 to Dd - 11 and Dd - 13) and telecast programmes in Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Kashmiri, Oriya and Tamil. The Regional channels relayed by all terrestrial transmitters in the state and supplementary programmes in the Regional Language in prime time and non-prime time available only through cable operators. The Doordarshan regional satellite channels telecast major news programme with some entertainment programmes.
If you think about the secret regional channels, they have followed the path of the Big brother (i.e Doordarshan). They are neither thoroughly entertainment channel nor exclusively news channel. They are following the middle path and claiming themselves an infotainment channels. The secret channels televise through the state dominant languages. Rising advertising revenues and addition numbers of viewers have in case,granted the impetus for many big players to enter into the business. Some regional media leaders like Etv, Sun Tv, Asianet have a strong grip over the regional market. Some major players tried their luck in separate states. Zee television has three regional channels; Zee Marathi, Zee Punjabi and Zee Bangla. Star Network entered into Tamilnadu by launching Star Vijay, one of the most popular entertainment channels in India broadcasting in Tamil. Besides that Etv Network is a part of the well-established Ramoji Group, has created 12 dedicated infotainment regional channels. Etv network is the source of rich entertainment of eight separate languages. Those are: Telugu, Bangla, Marathi, Kannada, Oriya, Gujarati, Urdu; and Hindi to viewers in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. Every Etv Network channel focuses exclusively on its audience’s unique cultural identity, its aspirations and its distinct socio-political character. Let us think about the south Indian language Telugu, there are nearby twelve satellite channels are roaming nearby the sky with separate taste and separate flavour. These channels contain three news channels, one song-based channels and rest are infotainment channels. When we confine ourselves into news, three channels (Etv2, Tv 9 and Teja News) exclusively devoted to news programmes.
Sahara India Pariwar is proud to have five news channels as the bouquet of Sahara Samay. These channels are: Sahara Samay Ncr, Sahara Samay Mumbai, Sahara Samay Bihar & Jharkhand, Sahara Samay Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh, and Sahara Samay Uttar Pradesh & Uttranchal. Sahara Samay has already managed to gain a loyal audience in India through a bouquet of National & Regional News Channels since its launch. These channels are teenage and vibrant channels targeting students and women, Besides that hardcore news stuff. The regional news channels covers the whole spectrum of genre with exact programs on lifestyle, fashion, food, shopping, condition and fitness, sports, education, career and city issues, Besides giving user-friendly data on traffic updates, city events, train and air timings, etc. Now national news channels cannot confine its boundary to national level. They cannot ignore the regional news because of the stiff competition form the regional cannels. Regional news channels are entering into the competition with a strong will power and also with an aim to portrait regional issues in national and international level.


Now the television manufactures becomes more specific. In this competing market, channels are targeting exact viewers. News channels attract more viewers beyond their target by producing interactive and curious programmes. Every channel needs to do an widespread research on separate concepts and separate themes to attract more viewers and in the same time more advertisers. After all, advertisements are the bread and butter for the channels. With increased consumer preference for news programmes, television news channels have grown faster than other niche channels. News channels are booming just like sky as the limit. Those days are not far away, when we will get satellite news channel for every major city in India. Staying in abroad, we can modernize ourselves about all the happening of our hometown. Now news is not restricted to political happenings. It will be extended its limit to every unwanted and hided corners of the society. At last we can reach in the end that anything, which is strange or disgusting, is news. There are no rigid rules, which defines news.


Booming: Television News Channels in India

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