
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Obama Told Ohio Unions Outsourcing Was Bad - Now Tells India We Shouldn't Fear Outsourcing

Do you recall during the 2010 choice when Junior Senator Obama chastised the North American Free-Trade business transaction while campaigning to the hardcore union members in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan? I sure do, and I also remember him hammering on small business, namely "Joe The Plumber" - oh, so now you recall all that. Well, reconsider all that political rhetoric to unite the Democrat Base, and reconsider the reality of Obama's policies today.

Now, Obama has decided that maybe small businesses are okay since they employ 75% of the work force and happen to be 10% of our population, possibly the ten-percent that helped the Tea Party swing into action. Today, the Obama management can't say adequate good things about all the Joe the Plumbers of the world and never misses a beat to mention the "small business and jobs bill" he helped get through Congress.

News From Afghanistan

Interesting switcheroo isn't it. Yes, I find this roughly a unblemished flip-flop, just like Guantanamo Bay, War in Afghanistan, and now the 'evil outsourcing' he so faithful criticized. Does the man honestly have any deep beliefs about anything, or is all just a teleprompter acting episode - one after another?

Interestingly enough, I have some American Indian in my house tree on my Grandfather's side way back, and I've always liked the saying that "white men speak with forked tongue" and to that point, I'd like to say so do half-white people, as well as all politicians regardless of color or race White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Arab, Eskimo, or otherwise. We all know that don't we?

Well, not that whatever is surprised but on Obama's high-priced India trip in November of 2010 he stated that the "Us Should Not Fear Outsourcing" as he spoke with the leaders of India. You can read about this in the Washington Post; "Outsourcing Us Jobs a Source of Tension on Obama's India Trip," written by Emily Wax and published on November 7, 2010.

Now then, I am not going to call whatever a liar here, especially not the President of the United States of America, but I would like to point out that man who tells lies by definition is a liar. The only interrogate now would be which time did Obama lie, before he became president or after? Please reconsider all this.

Obama Told Ohio Unions Outsourcing Was Bad - Now Tells India We Shouldn't Fear Outsourcing

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